Lucid Dream is a photographic series that explores the complex relationship between photography, perception, and the impending crisis of climate change. This is a visual speculation that transports us into the mind of a girl from the near future. As she fall asleep, her mind takes her on a journey through a world that she has only seen in images, mixing reality with its various representations. In this series consisting of digital photographs, analog photographs, scans of negatives, and photos edited with AI, i reflect on the power of photography as a way to shape our perception of reality in profound ways, giving us the possibility to collect fragments of the world that are infinitely reproducible and consumed. We build, understand, and experience the world through images, and in doing so, we often become detached from the physical reality around us.

What will it mean to live in a world where we can no longer experience reality directly, and where our understanding of it is solely mediated through images?

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